Would you like some guidance on content for your website or would you like to figure out how to build a website? Here are some helpful recommendations.
If you represent a YWAM location and wish to be linked, featured or have information changed on YWAM.org, please follow the following recommendations.
The intention here is for any YWAM information to be accurate, timely and secure, and that you show yourself as being part of the YWAM family.
• Include the following notice on your main web page: “Part of the YWAM global family of ministries” (whereby the “YWAM” is a link to http://www.ywam.org). Please also display the YWAM logo on your main web page. Please do not merely add a link to YWAM.org on a secondary “Links” page along with other miscellaneous links.
• Only post information relative to your direct area of ministry responsibility. If there is an overlap of what you are doing with another YWAM work, make sure that the other party is fully aware of what you intend to say about them. Do not write about other people or ministries without their consent.
• Your pages should be reviewed and approved by your YWAM location’s leadership.
• Be careful not to say anything that would insult or bring offense to any race, religion, denomination or person.
• Do not compromise the safety of any work or workers on the larger mission field.
• Include an email address link for people to contact you, and be ready to reply to inquiries.
• Use a YWAM logo.
The YWAM.org team purposely built YWAM.org using simple tools commonly used by YWAM locations around the world for their websites. We used WordPress, for example. Part of our purpose in choosing this approach was to learn things that might help other YWAM locations with their websites. We would be happy to tell you what worked, what didn’t work, and what we recommend. Just contact us.