Jesus commanded us to pray that God’s will would be done on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10). As we work in YWAM to see the fulfillment of God’s loving purposes for the world, we ask you to please stand with us in prayer.
YWAM has many ongoing prayer initiatives. You can sign up to participate in prayer for many different interests, including Bible translation, Muslims, Buddhists, care for creation, and refugees. One YWAM prayer initiative that touches on many different topics is a monthly prayer day called The Invitation. Another initiative seeks to unite people in prayer.
As you pray, ask God to lead you. One of YWAM’s values is to listen to God, not only to speak to Him. If you would like some general ideas about how to pray for YWAM, we ask you to pray:
- For followers of Islam. Participate in 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World. This prayer initiative, begun by YWAM and now embraced by many organizations and churches, helps Christians pray with understanding and respect for Muslims during their holy month of Ramadan.
- For the countries we work in. Pray for the leaders of nations (1 Timothy 2:1-4), or for current events there. If God has placed a certain country on your heart, one good way to stay informed is to use Google Alerts or to buy the book Operation World.
- That God would send forth more workers (Luke 10:2) who will make Him known. Pray for the equipping, enabling, and financial support of those workers.
- For the persecuted believers in many nations, and for freedom of religion in those places.
If you have a prayer request, or if you would like to know about specific prayer requests in YWAM, please visit YWAM’s Facebook page. You can post requests or pray for needs mentioned there.