Jovens Com Uma Missão Caxias do Sul
Jovens Com Uma Missão Caxias do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Caxias do Sul
We are located about 130 km., or two hours by driving, north of Porto Alegre, in the southernmost part of Brazil. The city of Caxias do Sul has a population over 450,000 (estimate, 2014).
Language(s): Portuguese, Spanish
Average number of Staff: 47
Region & Country: South America, Brazil
Last updated: Thursday 25 January, 2024
Discipleship Training Schools
Long Term Opportunities
Mission Trips and Events
Address: Rua jocum, 288 (Google), Loteamento Morro Alto, Caxias do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
house phone: +55 (54) 98447-6628
cell phone: +55 (54) 99963-9477
Visit Website
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