
Rural Mission


All are welcome to come to the D.R. Congo and serve in a life changing mission experience. We are associated with all YWAM bases and encourage them to send an outreach team to help extend God's Kingdom and the YWAM ministries here in the D.R. Congo. There are many opportunities and needs, including serving in the Mercy Ministry (widows, Orphans), in Pre-school development, the Village Ministry, Pastoral and Leadership Training, and the Sports Ministry. In all of these things you can see how the community is served and how they benefit from these ministries.


Begins every: Any

Length: any length

Language(s): English, French, Swahili, local dialects


Destination: DRCongo Sud-Kivu

Minimum age: 16

Related passion: Compassion

Region & Country: Africa,

Last updated: Thursday 12 March, 2020

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