
DTS and Church visiting Teams


Youth With A Mission East London

Youth With A Mission East London,


As it is our heart to cultivate a culture of missions in the Eastern Cape, especially among Xhosa speaking people, visiting Teams are paramount to seeing them released into their God given destiny. Fulfilling 1cor11:1 imitate me as I imitate Christ, we have seen the powerful impact young people have on other young people, especially ywamers representing Unity in Diversity and passionately displaying their love ? for Christ. Suddenly young locals too begin to see a model they have not seen, and so begin to ask questions that destiny related about missions and Ywam.


Begins every: Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun

Length: 2-6weeks

Language(s): xhosa/English

Origin: East London, Eastern Cape, SOUTH AFRICA

Destination: Buffalo City Metropolitan

Minimum age: 17 year

Related passion: Evangelism

Region & Country: Africa,

Last updated: Wednesday 21 October, 2020

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