
09 January, 2025 | Ottestad , NORWAY

Fire and Fragrance Discipleship Training School


You are a part of the next wave, and that is why we want to see you succeed in what God has called you into. Come and get equipped to see a new Jesus movement! When it comes to the FF DTS we want to let Jesus light us with his love through prayer, worship, God`s word and His Spirit. And out of that place we desire to see a broken world get to know Jesus as their saviour and God as a Father. First in our heart, in our neighbourhoods and then to the nations.


UofN Code: DSP 211

Start date: Thursday 09 January, 2025

Length: 26 weeks

Language(s): English,Norwegian

Outreach Location(s): Europe, Asia, Africa

Related passion: Revival

Region & Country: Europe, NORWAY

Last updated: Monday 03 June, 2024

More about YWAM Grimerud


Address: Ottestad, NORWAY

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