
06 January, 2025 | Ica , PERU

Catalyst Children and Youth Discipleship Training School


We are located in partnership with a Mission that was created following a devistating earthquake in 2007. The intent of this mission, located among 5 small villages of predominantly farm working families, is to give hope, love, direction, assistance. Our school will do weekly outreach to these villages during class, well before going on the road and doing similar outreach in other locations of Peru. Our outreach destinations are not finalized (in past we have gone to neighboring countries) but we are leaning toward spending time in the mountains of Cuzco and Urcos.


UofN Code: DSP 211

Start date: Monday 06 January, 2025

Length: 12

Language(s): English,Spanish,

Outreach Location(s): Cusco, Urcos

Related passion: Children and Youth

Region & Country: South America, PERU

Last updated: Tuesday 11 June, 2024

More about Youth with a Mission Ica Peru


Address: Ica, PERU

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