
Mission Trip


Youth With A Mission Kilimanjaro

Youth With A Mission Kilimanjaro,


Engatani is a Maasai community that we have been reaching out to for a long time. The goal is for people to understand more, what it means to be a follower of Jesus, but also for community development to happen. We have drilled wells, built a church and a Pre-school. Every week we have Women Ministry, where the women of the community come together and share together, pray for one another and encourage one another. We also have Primary School Ministry, where we share the gospel with the children. There is also a clinic in the process that we hope to open soon. Where the Primary Health Care School has a clinic day occasionally. There is a lot of vision that the people carry themselves and that we carry with them.


Begins every: Any

Length: Optional

Language(s): English, Swahili

Origin: Boma Ng'ombe (Hai-Kilimanjaro), TANZANIA

Destination: Engatani, Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

Related passion: Community Development

Region & Country: Africa,

Last updated: Thursday 17 August, 2023

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