
REACH Marseille


The vision of REACH Marseille is to be a catalyst towards the establishment of the kingdom of God in Marseille. We invite you to bring a team. We want to see waves of short-term teams come to Marseille with their diverse gifts, talents and passions, to partner with local churches and ministries. Through this partnership we aim to strengthen and build on what God is already doing and then together create new initiatives with God to reach this city. We believe that as Marseille is saturated in prayer and worship, as we get out onto the streets and engage people with the gospel, and as local believers are mobilised to reach their communities, Marseille can be transformed


Begins every: Any,All

Length: Flexible

Language(s): English, French, Arabic

Origin: YWAM Marseille, FRANCE

Destination: Marseille

Related passion: Evangelism

Region & Country: Europe,

Last updated: Tuesday 21 March, 2023

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