

Youth With A Mission Okinawa

Youth With A Mission Okinawa, Okinawa


YWAM Okinawa is a minute walk from a beautiful beach. This beach and beach park will be your best devotional place. While being in a beautiful natural setting, YWAM Okinawa is very conveniently located with a convenience store just a minute walk away, shopping malls, banks, post office, elementary schools, junior high schools, and daycare centers within walking distance.


Language(s): Japanese, English, Korean

Average number of Staff: 11

Region & Country: Asia, Japan

Last updated: Tuesday 29 August, 2023


Address: 2-10-16 Shirahama Ishikawa, Uruma-shi, 904-1105, Okinawa, Japan

Phone: 81-98-988-7330

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