
14 July, 2024 | Townsville , AUSTRALIA

Reef to Outback - Builders Discipleship Training School


Join our unique opportunity to build connections in Gladstone and help construct the new YWAM Outreach House. We're looking for tradies, handymen and women, and anyone passionate about building community and creating a welcoming space. The Gladstone Outreach House, in partnership with FreshFM, will be a hub for young people to connect through community events, school seminars, youth engagement, and more, spreading the message of ‘It’s Good to be Alive!’ This outreach is part of the July 2024 Reef to Outback DTS starting in Townsville, Australia.


UofN Code: DSP 211

Start date: Sunday 14 July, 2024

Length: 22 weeks

Language(s): English,

Outreach Location(s): Australia

Related passion: Community Development

Region & Country: Australia & Pacific, AUSTRALIA

Last updated: Monday 20 May, 2024

More about Youth With A Mission Townsville


Address: Townsville, AUSTRALIA

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