
Support Raising

Every YWAM worker, including the founder, Loren Cunningham, raises enough funds to meet his or her own financial needs. For most people in YWAM, these funds come from friends, family and churches who contribute financially. Other YWAMers rely on their own savings, part-time jobs, foreign employment, small businesses or even–in the case of some of our older staff–pension income.

If you are considering doing a Discipleship Training School or if you have recently joined YWAM and would like to begin raising financial support, or if you have been a YWAMer for many years and would like to strengthen your support team, the resources below can help. Also, we suggest that you find someone on your YWAM team who will agree to assist you as you raise support. Ask him or her to pray for you and hold you accountable to your support raising goals.

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