
Who is a YWAMer?

Written and revised by Loren Cunningham, March 2019

We are the Waves…

YWAM is called to be constantly…

As an all-volunteer, faith-missionary movement YWAM includes…

Therefore, as long as YWAM has these elements and is…

As long as we remain faithful to these, YWAM has a bright, fruitful, and growing future with God.

YWAM is and continues to be a global family of diverse ministries that are united in Christ with the same covenant, vision and values, as we are bonded together to Him and to one another, worshiping and learning together at the feet of godly and anointed teachers.

A YWAMer is someone who has completed a Discipleship Training School and who joyfully embraces our Statement of Purpose, Core Beliefs and Foundational Values, our Four Legacy Words, and our various Covenant Renewal Documents.

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