

YWAM Centre Destroyed by Hurricane, Chico Fires, Haiti Trade School Graduation

Published on: September 6, 2024

This month we hear about the YWAM Together Gathering, New Beginnings Home program for women, the destruction of the YWAM location in St. Vincent and the Grenadines by Hurricane Beryl, the latest 520 graduates from the trade school at Saint Marc, Haiti, some ship updates, a few upcoming training seminars, and more …

On the YWAM News Show we work to bring you stories and opportunities from around the world and around the mission to share with you about some of what God is doing, and how you can be involved.

In this episode of the Youth With A Mission News Show we bring you many stories form around the mission. Have listen to the full podcast:

Listen to and find the links and videos here

The stories that we hear about in this episode are:

  • YWAM St. Vincent and the Grenadines Destroyed by Hurricane
  • YWAM Together
  • New Beginnings Homes – YWAM
  • YWAM Chico Fires
  • Stories from YWAM Virginia
  • YWAM Saint Marc Liberty Academy Trade School Graduation
  • Fellowship in India – Satsangs
  • Love Beyond: YWAM Ships Philippines
  • YWAM Ships Australia New Generators and Vehicles
  • YWAM Ships Kona – Invitation to Mariner and Vessel Crew
  • YWAM Davos, Swirzerland
  • Open Air Worship in Adelaide
  • New YWAM Centre in Suva, Fiji
  • YWAM Phalombe Update
  • School of Biblical Studies Testimony for YWAM Osaka
  • YWAM Heredia Missionary Care Foundations Course
  • Trauma Healing Seminar at YWAM Marseille
  • Documentary Film Seminar – YWAM Immerse Cornwall
  • Meme of the Month by YWAM Ashville

You can listen to all these stories, read more about them, and find links to all the details, on the YWAM News Show Web-site.

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