The Invitation, June 8, 2023
Haiti, the poorest nation on the American continent, is now suffering through a time of tremendous governmental instability and crime. Health and safety are daily concerns for everyone. Though Haiti’s schooled population is 56 percent, more than 67 percent earns less than one dollar per day. In the midst of the challenges, YWAM and other ministries continue to meet practical needs as well as to teach biblical principles.

Please take a moment right now to pray for Haiti and please also pray with us on June 8, our prayer day for YWAM’s prayer initiative called The Invitation.
- Pray for provision of basic needs for life. Pray for steady gas, clean water and an affordable cost of living. Steady gas is one of the most problematic issues. When gas stops getting through many services and commercial activities shut down (banks, food and water supply, transportation, internet, etc). Clean water to drink and for daily purposes is difficult to find and expensive. This is causing many health concerns and illness occurring rapidly.
- Pray for the government, leaders and safety. The government has a lot of corruption that ends up limiting its ability to meet the country’s needs. The gangs are gaining control and influence in the country, especially in the capital, Port Au Prince. Pray that main roads become safer to travel.
- Pray for spiritual breakthroughs. In Haiti,Christianity is distorted by syncretism from African beliefs, especially voodoo. Though 90 percent of the population states a Christian faith, it’s very common that churches practice or allow witchcraft rituals or Santeria (an African religion). You will sadly find some Christian people going to church then after to see the voodoo priest. It is said of Haiti’s history that when the nation was breaking free from slavery they made a pact with the Devil dedicating the land to him. Whether or not this is true or rumored, the spiritual warfare is real in Haiti. Pray for the light in God’s people to shine brighter than the darkness in Haiti and the spirit of fear over the country to be replaced with God’s love (1 John 4:18, Acts 26:18).
- Pray for the Bible to be taught accurately in churches. Pray for followers of Jesus to be like the Bereans and search the scriptures daily (Acts 17:11).Also pray for church leaders and pastors to have a strong commitment to God and to live in a Bible-oriented manner (Luke 8:16-17).
- Pray for ministries and YWAM. YWAM has several ministry centers actively meeting needs in Haiti. Overall, many ministries have left the country, though many others still remain and are working diligently for the Lord. Street outreaches are done with caution because of gangs. Pray for safety, health, protection for God missionaries; wisdom and discernment for mission leaders; unity among missionaries. Pray for the church and those who love Christ to live out the Great Commission and not let fear stop them (Matthew 28:19-20).
Take Action
To learn more about YWAM’s ministry in Haiti, please visit:
- YWAM Saint Marc: https://www.facebook.com/ywam.haiti/
- YWAM Port of Peace: https://www.facebook.com/ywamportofpeace
- YWAM Cap Haiti: https://www.facebook.com/YWAMCapHaiti
Join the Invitation
Sign up for prayer emails and find translations in many languages at ywam.org/theinvitation. Please contact us at [email protected] to let us know how you prayed, to recommend a prayer topic, or to request an advance copy of the prayer guide.