The Invitation, January 11, 2024
Please pray for Bible translation this month, the passion of YWAM’s founder Loren Cunningham, who died in October of 2023. Thousands of languages, spoken by hundreds of millions of people, still do not have a Bible. The goal of the Oral Mother Tongue (OMT) approach is that the Bible be accurately and clearly translated by mother-tongue speakers into their languages. This can be accomplished in as little as two years. Since launching OMT in May 2023, YWAM Nigeria alone has finished 30 translations that have been received with joy by churches, who testify to their accuracy.

Please pray for oral Bible translations by taking a few minutes right now, and please also pray with us on January 11, our prayer day for YWAM’s prayer initiative called The Invitation.
- Pray for the launching of a global prayer movement in YWAM that would birth a global translation movement.
- Pray for more bright examples of OMT around the world, like the work Paul Dangtoumda is doing in YWAM Nigeria to equip and strengthen YWAMers with testimonies and with methods that can be replicated.
- Pray for grassroots funding to accompany the prayer movement. For OMT to remain a movement, it must remain modular and decentralized in its finances.
- Pray for renewed pioneering grit and grace to sweep the global YWAM family as we embrace the OMT vision that every mother tongue in the world would have the full Bible.

Take Action
- Register at prayomt.com to pray for a Bibleless language. While there, get familiar with a wide range of OMT documents.
- Start a weekly prayer group and adopt a Bibleless people group to pray for and fund.
Join The Invitation
Sign up for prayer emails and find translations in many languages at ywam.org/theinvitation. Please contact us at [email protected] to let us know how you prayed, to recommend a prayer topic, or to request an advance copy of the prayer guide.