
PrayerThe InvitationYWAM News

Pray for the COP26 Climate Conference

Published on: October 7, 2021

The Invitation, October 14, 2021

In the first two weeks of November, delegates from almost every nation will be gathering in Glasgow, Scotland for a huge United Nations climate change negotiation. Called Conference of Parties 26 (COP26) it will be one of the largest international events ever hosted by the UK, with up to 30,000 people in attendance. Many world leaders, including the Pope and Queen Elizabeth II, will be there, along with policy experts, diplomats, and scientists. YWAMers have been prayer walking the site and YWAM in the UK has planned an outreach during the event. Please join with us through The Invitation, one of YWAM’s prayer initiatives, as we pray for God to use this event to bring restoration to the world. Please pray right now and on our prayer day, October 14.

Topic suggested by JP in Belgium; written by Ben Richards, Phil and Christy Summerton and team in England.
Photo of YWAMers prayer walking a COP26 site in Glasgow, Scotland.
Listen to the Letter
  1. Pray for God to use this conference to bring healing to our world. Problems such as climate change reflect our broken relationship with God, each other, and with the land God has entrusted to us to steward (Gen 1:26). This is a controversial topic for some, but the consequences of insufficient action are serious, particularly to poorer parts of the world. Alternatively a just, practical agreement could improve the lives of many people. Pray for the delegates to this conference and also for the Body of Christ globally that we would steward what we have been blessed with, not only for our own good, but the good of the generations to come. “A good person leaves an inheritance for their children’s children” (Prov 13:22).
  2. Pray for the negotiations. Pray for God’s presence to bring diverse peoples together for common purposes. Pray for truth to come into the light, and for deception to be revealed. Pray for good translation and communication. Pray for help for poorer nations with smaller delegations to be able to participate fully and for humility between countries. Pray for reconciliation between nations and those impacted differently by changes in climate.
  3. Bless the city of Glasgow. Pray for city leaders and residents as they prepare for the influx of people from all over the world and as they organize hospitality and security–all while dealing with concerns for Covid19.
  4. Pray for the YWAM street outreach to Glaswegians, COP26 delegates and activists. Pray for opportunities to share with those who have fears for the future and to communicate the hope Jesus brings to any situation.

Suggestions for Group or Individual Prayer

Use the video in the letter to help you pray through the sites of COP26:

Take Action

  • Pray every day of COP26, November 1-12, at 12 noon in your time zone. Go to a green space, get on your knees and call out to God for reconciliation and justice between the land, humanity and our Creator. “If my people would humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land” (2 Chron 7:14).
  • Visit this website for more info and to sign up for news updates: ywamcop26.org.

Join The Invitation

Learn more about this YWAM prayer day, called The Invitation, at ywam.org/theinvitation. Please let us know how you prayed at [email protected]. Please also tell us if you would like to recommend a prayer topic for The Invitation.

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