The Invitation, November 11, 2021
The division of Korea in 1945 was supposed to be temporary. Unfortunately, this artificial separation between families has now lasted 70 years. A great cultural and economic divide now exists between North and South Korea. The people of North Korea have suffered greatly under a regime that denies them basic human rights. Many Koreans in both countries long for unification, and many Christian leaders have sensed God giving them visions for this. Please join with us through The Invitation, one of YWAM’s prayer initiatives, as we pray for unification of North and South Korea. Please take a moment to pray right now and join us on our prayer day, November 11.
Photo from Pyongyang, North Korea by Thomas Evans on Unsplash.com
As you begin to pray, hold your hand before you so that your five fingers can prompt you to pray in the following ways.
- Pinky finger. This is the smallest and weakest finger. Pray for those in North and South Korea who feel they are disempowered and unable to affect change. Pray for those who are poor, both in spirit and in resources. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has recently admitted his country faces food shortages. In your heart, come alongside those who appear to be weak, that they may be strengthened in faith and encouraged in hope.
- Ring finger. This finger is a symbol of commitment and covenant. Pray for renewed covenants of relationship and unity between North and South Korea. Pray against hatred and fear on both sides. Pray for a process of increasing relationship exchanges between countries. Pray for those in government who might lead the way in moving the two Koreas towards the oneness of unification in ways that respect the distinctness of both. Pray for God to guide countries with an influence on Korean unification, particularly China, the USA, Japan and Russia.
- Middle finger. This finger is the tallest. Pray for all those in leadership and positions of influence, that their decisions would open the way for unification. Pray especially that God would raise up godly leaders who stand for God’s purposes and make decisions that act as foundations for the future. Pray for political leaders including President Moon Jae-in of South Korea and, in North Korea: Kim Jong-un, Choi Ryong Ha, Hwang Byeong Seo, Park Bong Joo, Kim Young Nam, and Kim Yeo Jung (Kim Jong-un’s sister).
- Pointer finger. This finger points the way. Pray for Christians to stand boldly in their calling to be those who lead others, through prayer and action, toward the good purposes of God. Pray for revival in both Koreas. Pray for protection of believers in North Korea, where owning a Bible or being known as a Christian can be punished with time a labor camp.
- The thumb is closest to you. You could point your thumb to your own chest. Ask the Holy Spirit to align your own heart with the good purposes of God for North and South Korea as you pray.
Perhaps this hand prompt will come to mind in the days ahead. When it does, take a moment to continue to hold the two Koreas before the Lord.
How We Prayed
October 14—COP26 Climate Conference
A YWAM team in Vietnam reported a “wonderful time of prayer.” They prayed for the hosts and delegates. “We prayed particularly for the emerging generation that they would have revelation of the God of hope as He is creator and is still in control.”
Join The Invitation
Learn more about this YWAM prayer day, called The Invitation, at ywam.org/theinvitation. Please let us know how you prayed at [email protected]. Please also tell us if you would like to recommend a prayer topic for The Invitation.