Prayer — The Invitation — YWAM News
Pray for YWAM’s Discipleship Training Schools
Published on: November 9, 2022

The Invitation, November 10, 2022
The Discipleship Training School (DTS) is a core initiative within YWAM. It is a six-month long program, the purpose of which is to equip and prepare students to understand their own identity in Christ, as well as what God’s purpose is for their lives. Available in almost every part of the world, the DTS combines classroom-based lectures with practical outreach and enables personal reflection, community living and small group activities to create a holistic combination of theory and practice. Please take a moment to pray for YWAM’s DTSes right now and please also pray with us on November 10, our prayer day for YWAM’s prayer initiative called The Invitation.

- Please pray regarding the lingering effects of COVID-19 – Many have lost loved ones in the pandemic, please pray that they would be comforted and feel God’s peace in this difficult time. Please also pray for wisdom for those in DTS leadership to be able to navigate the various and ongoing COVID developments, so that we may act wisely and with care and diligence (Psalm 119:76).
- Please pray for the DTS in Ternopil Ukraine – Please pray for YWAM staff and DTS students in Ternopil, Ukraine. On October 9th and 11th it was reported that there were explosions in Ternopil which resulted in casualties and death. Please pray for God’s protection and for hope to abound not just at our DTS location in Ternopil, but in the entire city and indeed the entire nation.
- Please pray for the God’s Story DTS – In 2018, in order to make the DTS more accessible for many unreached communities around the world (an estimate of 80 percent of those communities are oral learners and communicators), an oral version of the DTS was introduced. The God’s Story DTS (GSDTS) has a focus on discussions of biblical narratives as well as discursive Bible studies. The first GSDTS took place in Salatiga Indonesia in August of 2019, and by 2021 there were GSDTS locations in Malawi, Mexico, and three more in Indonesia. Today, five more schools are planned in Indonesia, as well as in Ivory Coast, Panama, Florida and Michigan. Please pray a prayer of thanks for the growth of this school as well as a prayer of guidance for the extended plans for the God’s Story DTS (Proverbs 19:21).
- Please pray for our DTS students around the world – We are living through interesting times and discipleship is just as important as it has ever been, perhaps even more so. As such, please pray that our current DTS students will continually encounter God on their respective DTS programs, and will learn the true meaning of discipleship in order to be apprentices of Jesus. Please also pray for a greater awareness of Discipleship Training Schools among young people who could benefit from them.
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